Not Just for HR Experts: In My Organization, Employees Have No Outstanding Leave

1 października 2023

[ Artykuł ]

All employees who came to work today have no outstanding leave. I wonder how many employers can sign under this statement.

According to the 52nd edition of the Labor Market Monitor survey conducted by the Randstad Research Institute and Pollster Research Institute, at the end of 2022, 34% of Poles had not fully used their leave. Men (36%) were more likely to have unused leave than women (31%), and middle management specialists (52%) more than senior management (14%).

September 30 was the deadline by which the employer should have granted their employees the unused leave from 2022 (outstanding leave).

What does this mean in practice?

  • The entire amount of outstanding leave does not have to be taken by September 30. The employer fulfills their obligation if the employee starts using the leave no later than the last day of September.
  • For not granting the outstanding leave by September 30, the employer faces misdemeanor liability.
  • The violation of the obligation to grant outstanding leave does not entitle the employee to start the leave after this date without the employer’s consent.
  • The employee can legally demand the granting of the outstanding leave until the statute of limitations for this claim expires.

Although leave is one of the fundamental rights of employees, it is still not easy to obtain in some companies. It is a misconception that extending working hours and forgoing leave will ensure the company's goals are met and increase profits.

The lack of leave negatively impacts the employee's work and health. This has adverse effects not only for the employee but also for the employer – it is estimated that 50-60% of sick leave is due to fatigue and stress at work.

According to researchers:

  • Excessive work and inadequate rest increase the risk of depression in working women and raise the risk of heart attacks by 50% in this group (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
  • People who regularly take vacations are more satisfied with their lives and less prone to heart disease (de Bloom, Geurts, and Kompier 2012).
  • Fully utilized vacations can help reduce employee stress, positively impacting their health and well-being (Brough, O'Driscoll, and Kalliath 2005).

Encouraging employees to fully use their current leave is not only about caring for their health and well-being but also a smart strategy that benefits the entire company. Employees who take vacations are significantly more productive than those who spend more time at work, with their post-vacation work requiring less effort than the work performed before the leave (Boston Consulting Group). Therefore, it might be worth measuring the company's potential by the efficiency and effectiveness of work, rather than the time spent by employees in the office.

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